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Using Microsoft Graph

Microsoft Graph can be used together with the On Behalf Flow (OBO), but in order to make this work you must alter your app registration configuration a bit.


This documentation is based off issue #40

Backend API App Registration

  1. Head over to Azure -> Azure Active Directory -> App registrations, and select your Backend API Application Registration
  2. Navigate to the Manifest in the menu on the left
  3. Add your OpenAPI/Swagger ClientID to the knownClientApplications (saved as OPENAPI_CLIENT_ID in your .env)


  1. Select API permissions and ensure User.Read is there. If not, follow the steps in the picture below:
    1. Add a permission
    2. Select Microsoft Graph under Microsoft APIs
    3. Select Delegated permissions
    4. Search for and select User.Read
    5. Click add permission


  1. Select Certificates & Secrets and create a secret for your backend to use in order to fetch a Graph token
    1. New client secret
    2. Give it a name
    3. Add


OpenAPI App Registration

  1. Head back to Azure -> Azure Active Directory -> App registrations, and select your OpenAPI/Swagger Application Registration
  2. Select API permissions in the menu on the left
  3. Add email, offline_access, openid, profile scopes
    1. Add a permission
    2. Select Microsoft Graph under Microsoft APIs
    3. Select Delegated permissions
    4. Select the permissions
    5. Click add permission



You can now fetch a graph token using the OBO flow. A full code example of an API using Graph can be found in the demo project.