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Guest Users

In FastAPI-Azure-Auth version 4 and above, guest users in single- and multi-tenant applications (not B2C) will no longer be able to access your APIs by default. Most developers do not intend to give access to guest users which appear in the tenant because of other applications (such as users invited into Teams channels), and this can lead to a security concerns if not handled.

In single-tenant applications, it is recommended to deny the user on Azure login, instead of after they're calling the APIs, please check out the tutorial below. In multi-tenant applications, this can be hard to manage, as you'd have to fix this in every tenant.

If you want to allow guest users into your tenant, you can change the allow_guest_users setting to True. If you want to lock down a specific endpoint from guest users, you can do so by creating a dependency.

User assignment required

Go to all your Enterprise Applications and do the following steps. You can find your Enterprise Application either by searching on the Client ID in the Enterprise Applications menu, or by first navigating to your App registration and clicking the Managed application in local directory link:


Under Properties, enable User assignment required? and Save.

Then, go to Users and groups, and add user/group. Find users or a fitting group and assign it to the role Default Access.

Creating a dependency in code

Sometimes, especially for multi-tenant applications, doing in-code checks are beneficial. Please note that guest users are denied by default, so you only need this if you configure allow_guest_users setting to True, but would like to lock down specific endpoints.
from fastapi import Depends
from fastapi_azure_auth.exceptions import Unauthorized
from fastapi_azure_auth.user import User

async def deny_guest_users(user: User = Depends(azure_scheme)) -> None:
Deny guest users
if user.is_guest:
raise Unauthorized('Guest user not allowed')

Alternatively, after FastAPI 0.95.0 you can create an Annotated dependency.
from typing import Annotated
from fastapi import Depends
from fastapi_azure_auth.exceptions import Unauthorized
from fastapi_azure_auth.user import User

async def deny_guest_users(user: User = Depends(azure_scheme)) -> None:
Deny guest users
if user.is_guest:
raise Unauthorized('Guest user not allowed')

NonGuestUser = Annotated[User, Depends(deny_guest_users)]

and in your view:
def read_items(user: NonGuestUser):

You can configure the acct claim in AzureAD if you'd like a specific claim to indicate if the user is a guest or tenant member